Huntley Headlines

Huntley Headlines
FOHH: An Overview, 1990-2012
by Barbara Ballentine, President, Friends of Historic Huntley
May 15 - Planning meeting with Michael Rierson, election of officers
October 24 - Lecture, “From Out of the Past,” Mike and Barbara Keck
October 26 - Dedication of Huntley Meadows Park (HMP) new visitor’s center, Friends of Historic Huntley (FOHH) information displayed and shuttle buses were run to Historic Huntley; tours were given to 44 people
October 29 - Lecture, “From Out of the Past,” Mike and Barbara Keck
December 6 - Huntley Meadows Estate sold to M/I Homes
February 4 - Huntley Headlines: First issue of FOHH newsletter
April 8 - By-Laws signed: Norma Hoffman, Susan Escherich, Glenn Curtis, Janet Hawkins (same names on the Articles of Incorporation)
May 14 - Fairfax County Architectural Review Board (ARB) approves the plans for Huntley Meadows townhouse development; FOHH members made statements urging the Board to protect the views of and from Huntley
February 23 - Huntley Headlines
May 24 - Freedom Hill Chapter of the Virginia DAR dedicates their plaque “to recognize the historic importance of Huntley” and in celebration of the centennial of the Virginia DAR
July 17 - Articles of incorporation document signed; Stefan Negel, a lawyer with the National Trust for Historic Preservation reviewed the bylaws and the incorporation document
August 29 - Open House; Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) opens Huntley to the public; Dixieland Band; FOHH participates; more than 220 visitors
October 8 - Annual membership meeting and lecture, “Alexandria at the Time Thomson F. Mason Lived There,” T. Michael Miller
February - Huntley Headlines
March 2 - Joint meeting FOHH and the Fairfax County Heritage Conservancy and lecture, “What it Means to Live in an Historic District,” Richard Bierce and Bruce Krivisky
March 6 - Afternoon tea for volunteers at Susan Escherich’s house
August 12 - Hearing at ARB regarding M/I Homes request to put balconies/decks on the backs of houses overlooking Huntley; ARB upheld their 1992 decision to deny; M/I Homes appealed to Fairfax County Board of Supervisors (FCBOS); FOHH members spoke; in 1994 the decision was appealed to the FCBOS which upheld the ARB decision
October -Huntley Headlines
September 18 - Open House with Katherine Spivey of the Living History Foundation reenactors, portrayed Miss Sara Mason, Mason’s daughter; more than 300 visitors in the rain
October 20 - Annual membership meeting and lecture, “Interpreting an Early 19th Century Plantation Site,” Linda Goldstein, Director, Woodlawn Plantation
April 16 - Open House with Living History Foundation reenactors and The Harmonica Club of Washington, D.C.; posters for a contest illustrating Huntley by students at Groveton Elementary School were displayed; winners and prizes were awarded; more than 350 visitors
April - John G. Kofler donates a watercolor of Huntley to FOHH
Summer - Huntley Headlines
Fall - Huntley Headlines
October 22 - Dedication of the Huntley highway marker on Harrison Lane; elected officials, FCPA, FCBOS and History Commission members attended and spoke; the marker was purchased jointly by FOHH and the Fairfax County History Commission; funding assistance came from others as well, including the Friends of Huntley Meadows Park
November 15 - Annual membership meeting, Barbara Naef and Richard Sachi of FCPA discussed long-range plans for Huntley; Richard T. Pro, Lee District representative, FCPA, discussed a possible trail linking HMP and Huntley
Spring - Huntley Headlines
April 23 - Lecture, “Historic Huntley’s Landscape,” Brian Katen, landscape architect
May 7 - Open House held in conjunction with HMP celebrating its 20th anniversary
September 16 - Open House
Spring - Huntley Headlines
April 21 - Lecture at Stone Mansion, “A Personal Journey into Local Archaeological and
Historical Research,” Jack Hiller
May 3 - Signed Cooperative Agreement between FOHH and FCPA
May 5 - Open House, “Children of the 19th Century,” Hybla Valley Elementary School; same day as Wetlands Day; the walk between HMP and Historic Huntley was interpreted.
August 20 - Watercolor of Historic Huntley painted by John G. Kofler, FOHH member and resident of Tauxemont, loaned to T. Dana Kauffman, Lee District Supervisor, FCBOS
Summer - FOHH board establishes a new group, “FOHH Advisors,” who will advise the board on technical matters
Late Summer - Huntley Headlines
September 21 - Open House: featured a “dig box” with Jack Hiller assisting diggers; some antique furniture and place settings were put on temporary display by Jeanne Niccolls, FCPA’s collections manager; Groveton, Hollin Meadows, Hybla Valley, and Burgundy Farm County Day elementary schools all participated; the Potomack Duet, Jackie O’Reagan and Linda Kapusciarz, entertained on string Instruments, nearly 200 visitors
Autumn - Huntley Headlines
October 22 - Annual membership meeting and panel discussion related to planning activities and trails in the area near Historic Huntley
March 15 - T. Dana Kauffman, Lee District Supervisor, FCPA staff, and interested architects and preservation professionals from local architectural schools toured Huntley and held a brainstorming session to determine how it might fit into school curricula; the meeting was part of Supervisor Kauffman’s plan to form a consortium of architectural schools to use Huntley as an architectural study site
Spring - Huntley Headlines
April - Display featuring Huntley at Martha Washington Library
April 20 - Lecture, “…His Sisters and His Cousins and His Aunts …,” Genevieve Jones
May 4 - Open House
Fall - Huntley Headlines
September - Display featuring Huntley at John Marshall Library in Rose Hill
September 27 - Open House
Fall - HMP starts “History Mystery Tours”; FOHH member researches social customs of the period to enhance the tour for third- and fourth-grade students
October 21 - Annual membership meeting and fall lecture, “Virginia Tech’s Proposal for an Architectural Study of Huntley,” Ron Kagawa, Washington-Alexandria Center, College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Virginia Tech; “Update on Plans for the Route 1 Corridor,” Jack Kelso, Lee District Planning Commissioner
1997-1998 - Virginia Tech, Alexandria Campus students work on an architectural study of Huntley
Spring - Huntley Headlines
Spring - Slide show of the history of Huntley was researched and produced by members of FOHH; the slide show was later made into a PowerPoint presentation and used for many years
April 19 - Lecture, “Southeastern Fairfax County: The Civil War Years,” Francis A. O’Brien
May 3 - Open House; Brigitte Martin and Robert Magee discuss cooking in 1825
Fall - Huntley Headlines
September 20 - Annual membership meeting and opening of exhibit on Huntley with scale model of Huntley based on scale drawings by Virginia Tech-WAAC students; FOHH members determined the content and helped write the text for the exhibit
October 3 - Open House
November 3 - Vote for FCPA bond issue with $1 million for Huntley passes; FOHH members testified at two hearings in favor of the bond
December - FOHH members toured Chestnut Hill, home of Bonnie and A.C. Echols and the Loudoun County estate of Thomson F. Mason
Spring - Huntley Headlines
March 19 - Students from Virginia Tech WAAC presented the results of a study they conducted on Huntley; the study, funded by the FCPA, identified and documented visible physical changes to the structure, systems, and materials and made recommendations for its stabilization and partial restoration
May 2 - Open House in conjunction with Wetlands Awareness Day
Fall - Huntley Headlines
October 2 - Open House
October 17 - Annual membership meeting and fall lecture, “Family Life in the Antebellum Era as Revealed Through Thomson Mason Records,” Jeanne Niccolls
Spring - Huntley Headlines
May 21 - Open House with “Hunt for Huntley,” a scavenger hunt for historic facts
May - Yvette St. Laurent, a local artist, donates a large oil painting of Huntley to FOHH
Fall - Huntley Headlines
October 7 - Open House with scavenger hunt
Fall - General Management Plan process begins; FOHH board members participate in the Citizens’ Advisory Committee, and FOHH president, Robbie McNeil, chairs the committee
Spring - Huntley Headlines
May 12 - Open House, introducing “A Day in the Life of the Mason Family,” a new puppet show written and with puppets created by FOHH members
Spring - Citizens’ Advisory Committee for Huntley participates in a review of the Proposed County-Wide Trail that will follow Harrison Lane; three alternate routes were considered
Spring - Work continues on the General Management Plan and start of the Comprehensive Development Plan for Huntley; FOHH participates
Fall - Huntley Headlines
October 14 - Open House with puppet show and scavenger hunt, 92 visitors
October 23 - Public hearing on the General Management Plan and the Comprehensive Development Plan for Huntley
November 2 - FOHH presented with an Elly Doyle Park Service Award Special Recognition by FCPA; the award recognizes volunteer organizations and individuals making outstanding contributions to county parks
Spring - Huntley Headlines
March - “Historic Structures Report for Huntley Historic Site,” published by FCPA; the project was funded in part through a Certified Local Government grant from the Virginia Department of Historic Resources written and secured by a member of FOHH
May 11 - Open House
Summer - FOHH representative meets with FCPA Huntley Construction Project Team
Fall - Huntley Headlines
Fall - FOHH paid for the reprinting of 15 copies of Huntley’s Historic Structures Report which were donated to libraries and several historic sites
Fall - Three oaks on the edge of HMP are on the Fairfax County Tree Registry as the largest of their kind in the county and maybe the oldest; there are two swamp chestnut oaks and a pin oak
October 13 - Open House
Spring - Huntley Headlines
March 12 - Spring lecture, “Historic Structures Report for Huntley Historic Site,” Richard Bierce; Mr. Bierce prepared the report in partnership with Shafer, Wilson, Sarver and Gray, PC
May 10 - Champion swamp chestnut oaks on edge of parkland pruned with grant funds raised by Friends of Huntley Meadows Park (FOHMP) and FOHH and with a lot of volunteer labor from arborists from Bartlett Trees and Growing Earth Professional Tree Care
May 10 - Open House
Fall - Huntley Headlines
October 12 - Open House
Spring - Huntley Headlines
April 24 - FOHMP and FOHH awarded a Friends of Trees Award for their outstanding contribution toward the conservation of trees in Fairfax County by the Fairfax County Tree Commission
May 16 - Open House
Fall - Huntley Headlines
Fall - FOHH board by-laws changed to include representatives from FOHMP and Huntley Meadows Homeowners Association as voting members
October 16 - Open House
October 21 - Annual membership meeting and lecture, “What is Next for Huntley?” by Michael Rierson, FCPA, and Debbie Robison, SWSG
March - Joint board meeting of FOHMP and FOHH
Spring - Huntley Headlines
Spring - New brochure of the Mason children printed; researched by Shirley Scalley
March - Joint board meeting with FOHMP; adoption of Lockheed Boulevard and Harrison Lane in the “Adopt-a-Highway” program
May 15 - Open House and puppet show, introducing Sir James (Mason’s horse)
Summer - 112-year-old white oak tree at corner of Harrison Lane died; bowls and other objects were created from the wood by Don Johnson and Don Riggs
Fall -Huntley Headlines
October 15 - Open House with puppet show
Fall - Donation of $50,000 from the Madison Corporation for Huntley restoration with assistance from T. Dana Kauffman, Lee District Supervisor
Spring - Huntley Headlines
Spring - ARB approves plans for the restoration of Huntley FOHH spoke in favor of the plans
Spring - FOHH installed a sign on the Huntley site to give information to the public on history and upcoming events while the site is mothballed
April 29 - Adopt-a-Road Clean-up on Harrison Lane
May 21- Open House; presentation of gift to T. Dana Kauffman, Lee District Supervisor
Fall - Huntley Headlines
October 15 - Open House with puppet show
October 15 - Drawing of winning ticket for raffle for Huntley Oak Tree Bowl handcrafted by local woodworker, Don Johnson; bowl made from wood of the 112-year-old white oak tree cut down on the property
November 5 - Lecture, “Why is it called Lockheed Boulevard? Huntley’s Airport History,” Paul Freeman; cosponsored with FOHMP
November 18 - Adopt-a-Road Clean-up on Harrison Lane
November 28 - Annual membership meeting
Spring - FOHH board creates a new classification of board membership called “emeritus”
Spring - Huntley Headlines
March 24 - Adopt-a-Highway clean-up day
April 29 - Open House
May 16 - Celebration of the transfer from the FCBOS to FCPA of a strip of land on the northern edge of HMP which holds the champion swamp chestnut oaks; one of the trees could have started in 1824 which would put it in place when Huntley was built; research by FOHH discovered that the land belonged to the FCBOS
Fall - Huntley Headlines
October 20 - Adopt-a-Road Clean-up on Harrison Lane
October 21 - Open House
November 27 - Annual membership meeting
December 9 - Drawing of winning ticket for raffle for Huntley Oak Tree Bowl handcrafted by local woodworker, Don Johnson; bowl made from wood of the 112-year-old white oak tree cut down on the property
Spring - Huntley Headlines
May 18 - Open House
Fall - Huntley Headlines
October 19 - Open House
October 19 - Drawing of winning ticket for raffle for Huntley Oak Tree Bowl handcrafted by local woodworker, Don Johnson; bowl made from wood of the 112-year-old white oak tree cut down on the property
November 4 - Park Capital Improvement bond referendum passes with close to $2 million for Huntley
November 18 -Annual membership meeting
Spring - Huntley Headlines
May 17 - Open House
Summer - FOHH thanks Congressman Jim Moran who secured $100,000 for Huntley restoration through the National Park Service’s Save America’s Treasures grant program
September 22 - Charles Davis, FOHH board member, and Carolyn Gamble, HMP staff, were interviewed by Andrew Mills for Public Access TV’s “Virginia Time Travel”
Fall - Huntley Headlines
October 18 - Open House; Friends of Fairfax County Archaeology and Cultural Resources
(FOFA) highlighted Huntley’s archaeological and architectural resources
November - Congressman Jim Moran secures $100,000 for Huntley restoration through th National Park Service’s Save America’s Treasures grant program; FOHH board members participate in the Section 106 review process for the grant
November 17 - Annual membership meeting
Spring - Huntley Headlines
May 16 - Open House – last one before construction starts FOHH board members participate in the Section 106 process regarding the Save America’s Treasures grant which Fairfax County received from the National Park Service
Summer - FOHH funds an intern to assist with research of the building
Fall - Huntley Headlines
December 1 - Annual membership meeting featuring descriptions and photographs of
April - FOHH participates in the Federation of Friends Groups
May - FOHH votes to fund a web site for Historic Huntley; J.G. Harrington will develop the site for FOHH
Huntley Headlines not published since there will be no Open House
Summer - FOHH funds a cultural resource intern, Nora Allen, who works with FCPA staff at the construction site, recording the progress in many photographs and writing a description of the architecture which will be used in future tours of the building
Spring - Huntley Headlines
Spring - FOHH web site created by J.G. Harrington
May 6 - Wetlands Awareness Day at HMP, FOHH participates with a table
May 19 - Historic Huntley opening celebration
Fall - Huntley Headlines
November 3- Huntley listed on the National Register of Historic Places
May - Huntley Historic District adopted
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors purchases 2.8 acres containing the Mason buildings
October 9 - Meeting to discuss forming a Friends group at home of Kathi and Robbie McNeil